Archimediate LLC, I design, install, and support legal systems for private and public parties across the globe.
Polycentric Law |
- A video presentation ofYour Next Government? sponsored by and Russian Esquire magazine, August 5, 2014, Moscow, Russia. For a copy of the PowerPoint used in the prevention, please see here.
- What is Polycentric Law? The Freeman, February 2014.
- Polycentric Law in a New Century,
Policy Report, at 1, 10-11 (November/December 1998), reprinted in full at, Polycentric Law in a New Century, Policy, Autumn 1999, at 34. That paper offers a slightly revised and footnote-free version of Polycentric Law in the New
Millennium, which won first place in the Mont Pelerin Society's 1998 Friedrich A. Hayek Fellowship Competition.
- The
Jurisprudence of Polycentric Law, (August 1992) (unpublished manuscript prepared for two consecutive classes taught by Prof. Richard A. Posner at the University of Chicago School of Law)
- Polycentric Law, 7 Humane Studies Rev. 1-2, 4-10 (1991/92)
Consent Theory and Constitutional Law |
- Part II of Your Next Government? From the Nation State to Stateless Nations (Cambridge Univ. Press 2018), has several chapters on consent theory and its application to constitutional law.
- The Constitution as if Consent Mattered, 16 Chapman L. Rev. 269 (2013)
- Principles of Contracts for Governing Services, 21 Griffith L. Rev. 472 (2012) (invited)
- Seasteading, Contracts for Governing Services, and the Consensual Constitution, 2011 Students for Liberty Southern California Regional Conference, Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, 12 November 2011[PPT]
- White Flag, Black Flag, and In Between, Libertopia, Humphrey's Half Moon Inn & Suites, San Diego, CA, 22 Oct. 2011 [PPT]
- Libertarian-But Non-Originalist!-Constitutionalism, 2010 Students for Liberty Southern California Regional Conference, 23 October 2010, Malibu, California
Written Notes [PDF] and
PowerPoint Presentation
- Graduated Consent in Contract and Tort Law: Toward a Theory of Justification, 61 Case Western L. Rev. 17 (2010) [PDF format], a revised version of Graduated Consent Theory, Explained and Applied, Chapman University School of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Paper No. 09-13 (March 2009) [PDF format]
- The Scale of Consent, Chapman University School of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Paper No. 09-01 (January 2009) [PDF format] (offering a draft part of the later paper, Graduated Consent Theory, cited above)
Special Economic Zones and Startup Cities |
- Quietly creating freedom: Private communities and special economic zones, Learn Liberty, April 3, 2017
- Special Economic Zones in the United States: From Colonial Charters, to Foreign-Trade Zones, Toward USSEZs, 64 Buffalo L. Rev. 959 (2016) (also available on BePress)
- Bitcoin and Start Up Cities--Innovating Around the State, International Students for Liberty Conference, Washington, DC, 16 Feb. 2014 (panel discussion) [Video]
- Startup Cities: Practice and Theory, Students for Liberty Colorado Regional Conference, Denver, CO, 12 Oct. 2013 [Video]
- Startup Cities with Tom W. Bell,, Los Angeles, CA, 23 July 23 2013 [Video]; [Powerpoint]
Columns in The Freeman |
- What is Polycentric Law? The Freeman, February 2014, pp. __-__
- Want to Own a City? The Freeman, October 2013, pp. 15-17
- Startup City Redux, The Freeman, September 2013, pp. 6-8
- Can We Correct Democracy? The Freeman, July/August 2013, pp. 4-5
- For Safer Streets, Use Fairer Courts, The Freeman, June 2013, pp. 8-9
- Fordlandia: Henry Ford's Amazon Dystopia, The Freeman, April 2013, pp. 19-21
- No Exit: Are Honduran Free Cities DOA? The Freeman, December 2012, pp. 9-11
Ulex |
Just as Linux offers an open source alternative to closed operating systems like Microsoft Windows or Apple's OS, Ulex offers an open source alternative to political legal systems.
- Ulex: An Open-Source Legal System appears as Chapter 3.7 in Your Next Government? From the Nation State to Stateless Nations (Cambridge Univ. Press 2018). The book also includes as Appendix B . . .
- Ulex Open Source Legal Operating System Version 1.1 (2017) (PDF format). This, the authoritative version of Ulex 1.1, was registered with Proof of Existence on 2017-06-09 14:50:59 via a transaction recorded in the Bitcoin blockchain. To make sure you have an exact copy of that version of Ulex, submit your .PDF for certification here.
- Ulex: An Open Source Legal System, BIL: Los Angeles, April 2, 2016
- Ulex, the Open Source Legal Operating System, in One Page (2016)
- A Brief Introduction to Ulex, An Open Source Legal Operating System (2016)
- Introducing Ulex: Towards Open Source Law for New Nations, Exiter Blog (Spring, 2015)
- Forget Politicians: How To Crowdsource Better Laws, Voice & Exit, Austin, TX, June 21, 2014 (presentation to plenary session)
Consulting Services |
I advise clients on the design, installation, and support of private legal systems through two channels, Through Archimediate, LLC, I handle discrete and relatively small projects. Clients with complicated and large projects may find it more economical to enter into a Sponsored Research Agreement with Chapman University under which my hours can be had at bulk rates. For instance, this 2017-18 academic year finds me working half-time for Chapman and half-time on various special jurisdiction projects managed by an outside investment capital firm.
I began practicing polycentric law in 2012 as a consultant to Future Cities Development, Inc., a startup run by CEO Patri Friedman and funded by Peter Thiel. After the Honduran Supreme Court struck down the RED statute on which its MOU relied, and FCD had to roll up operations, Elevator Cities Development hired me to pursue opportunities under the Honduran ZEDE statute and elsewhere in the world. Other small projects have burbled up, here and there. Always a sucker for a good cause and/or story, I've done pro bono work for various Liberlander efforts--mostly in the design of legal pamphlets and anti-arrest cards--and for the Seasteading Institute. Back on the paying side of the practice, I've most recently been giving legal counsel to Blue Frontiers Pte. Ltd. in its effort to create a land-and-water SeaZone in French Polynesia.
Whatever the project, all of the polycentric gigs boil down to the kind of work that software coders and computer network engineers everywhere will recognize: The design, installation, and support of legal systems. If you think about it, it looks a lot like coding - not of computers, but of laws. And these days think about it a lot.
The practice of polycentric law involves such things as counseling public and private parties on how to create the necessary preconditions for a successful special jurisdiction, drafting statutes, designing and customizing private legal systems (see, e.g., Ulex), and analyzing diplomatic and international legal issues. It easily ranks as the most challenging, interesting, and rewarding legal work I've done in my 30+ years as an attorney. Here you will find some materials related to the field.
- Stories of the Sort Ordinarily Recounted over Drinks, which appears as Chapter 3.8 in Your Next Government? From the Nation State to Stateless Nations (Cambridge Univ. Press 2018), relates some adventures in the practice of polycentric law.
- Video of presentation of Cadre LŽgislatif (Legal Framework) [for seasteading in French Polynesia], 1st Int'l Conference on Floating Islands, Tahiti, French Polynesia, June 18, 2017
- Memorandum to All Interested Parties Regarding the Legal Structure of the ZEDE System (June 13, 2016).
- Honduran Ley Orgánica de las Zonas de Empleo y Desarrollo Económico, a.k.a. ZEDE Statute, Decreto No. 120-2013, 12 June 2013, La Gaceta, Diario Oficial, num. 33,222, p. 57, effective 6 September 2013 (Hond.)
- Official List of Initial Members of the Committee for Adoption of Best Practices, Decreto No. 368-2013,11 February 2014, La Gaceta, Diario Oficial, num. 33,352, p. 1, 20 January 2014 (Hond.). NB: The membership list has since changed, evidently according to the internal rules of Committee and pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Art. 11 (1) & 11(7) of the ZEDE statute.
(C) 1996-2017 Tom W. Bell. All rights reserved. Fully attributed noncommercial use of this document permitted if accompanied by this paragraph.