Brief Bio

Tom W. Bell earned his J.D. from the University of Chicago, practiced law in Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C., and served as a policy director at the Cato Institute before joining the faculty of Chapman University, Fowler School of Law in 1998.  He teaches all of the first-year common law courses and electives in high-tech, entertainment, and intellectual property law.  Bell has published works on copyright, Internet law, polycentric law, prediction markets, and the Third Amendment (the one about quartering troops).  His books include Intellectual Privilege: Copyright, Common Law, and the Common Good (Mercatus 2014), and Your Next Government?  From the Nation State to Stateless Nations (Cambridge University Press 2018).  He created Ulex, the open source legal system.  As President of Archimediate LLC, Bell advises companies developing special economic zones and distributed communities.

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